Committee Name
CAGC Board of Directors18500127
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Purpose: To provide governance and oversight to the operations of CAGC, establish the strategic direction; develop policies, procedures and regulations for its operation; monitor the organization's financial health, programs, and overall performance; and provide the President & CEO with the resources to meet the goals and objectives of the organization.

Eligibility: Elected by a nominating committee.

Meetings: Board meets quarterly.


Committee Roster

Full NamePositionOrganization
Ty EdmondsonChairT. A. Loving Company18500127
Lynn HansenChair ElectCrowder Constructors Inc.1819460
Martin B. MoserTreasurerBarnhill Contracting Company- Building Division23078815923
Brent E. EvansVice ChairBanks Construction Company, Inc.31728412
Dean M. WilsonImmediate Past ChairHood Construction Company, Inc.1920748590
Dave Simpson, CAEPresident & CEOCarolinas AGC, Inc.1946082642
Jim RobertsAt Large GC DirectorLangston Construction Co. of Piedmont, LLC233703161
Beth MuterAt Large GC DirectorMuter Construction, LLC303828300730
Drew JohnsonAt Large GC DirectorBranch Civil17999313414
Lindsay SmithAppointed Young Leader RepresentativePalmetto Corp.3040798728
Matt ChambersDirector - BuildingClancy & Theys Construction Company31677346
Brent E. EvansDirector - HighwayBanks Construction Company, Inc.31728412
Josh Byers, PEDirector - SpecialtyWayne Brothers Companies322883295
Adam DoughertyDirector - SupplierCTC Insurance317347331063
Christopher J. StikeDirector - UtilitySanford Contractors, Inc.194627181