At Carolinas AGC, nothing is more important than the safety of our members and their employees.  We are committed to helping our members continue building the Carolinas as safely as possible. We are proud to offer the following:

  • CAGC has an active member-driven Safety Committee with participation from both North Carolina DOL and South Carolina OSHA.  They hold quarterly meetings to discuss safety issues and regulations while also providing an open forum for safety discussion and best practices.  
  • Dozens of Safety courses offered to our members – including opportunities like:  Spanish Scaffold Competent Person Safety Training Course. Upcoming safety classes and additional opportunities can be found on the Safety Training Page.
  • Safety initiatives that we are supporting in the legislature include work zone safety training for individuals getting drivers license or caught speeding excessively in a highway work zone.
  • Several award programs are available through Carolinas AGC and AGC of America.  These programs allow our members to promote their safety programs and efforts and be recognized for their safety achievements. For more information on our awards programs, visit the safety awards webpage.
  • Carolinas AGC has partnered with Youturn Health to provide a mental health service for our members and their employees along with the employees families.
  • Carolinas AGC is proud to host our members at our annual HR & Safety Conference in March featuring sessions geared toward ensuring workforce safety, best practices and pertinent topics while networking and sharing information with the industry's top construction safety professionals.   
  • CAGC is proud to hold alliances with both NC OSHA and SC OSHA to ensure collaboration between our members and both agencies. 
  • Berry Jenkins Memorial Work Zone/Workplace Safety Fund to provide financial assistance to the families of construction workers who are killed in a construction work zone or job site accident in NC and SC. 


Jacob Garmon

Jacob Garmon
Director of Safety, Suppliers & Sponsorships
(704) 372-1450 x5222,

2024 National AGC (NASA) & Carolinas AGC Safety Awards

Published on 12/30/2024
It's fast, easy and free to enter. Fill out one safety data form to be entered in both awards programs, allowing you to compute on both the national and local level!
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Bluebeam Classes Available

Published on 11/26/2024
We are proud to offer members Bluebeam training at an exclusive discount to members. Boost productivity, improve accuracy, and enhance collaboration with tailored, job-focused skills for construction pros!
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CAGC Staff Members Dave Simpson, Leslie Clark and Jacob Garmon sign the SC OSHA AllianceSafety Alliances

CAGC is proud to hold alliances with both NC OSHA and SC OSHA.

Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources

New! Youturn Health Member Benefit: Effective Support for Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and Substance Misuse
CAGC is proud to offer members a new mental health benefit that bridges the gap between inaction and getting help by making support accessible to all employees, especially people who might not otherwise seek it. Learn more!

In addition to our partnership with Youturn Health, we are proud to partner with AGC of America to offer our members resources for mental health and suicide prevention. Recent studies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found high rates of adults struggling with mental health or substance use and many seriously considering suicide. The construction industry has the highest rate of suicide at 53.2 per 100,000 U.S. workers. That rate is four times greater than the national average and five times greater than that of all other construction fatalities combined. Resources available to members to support their employees and fight this epidemic include Mental Health PSAs. Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Task Force, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Forum, and more. Visit the Mental Health and Suicide Prevention webpage for more information.

In observation of May's designation as Mental Health Awareness month, CAGC hosted a one hour webinar on Tuesday, May 30 entitled Creating a Mentally Healthy Construction Culture. We recognize that mental health in the construction industry is prevalent and affects not only the individual but the families, friends, co-workers, and the organization as a whole. Who knows how to build better than those in the construction business? This online seminar focused on building a work environment that supports the human side of emotions because that is the beginning of creating a healthy construction industry culture. 

 5/30/2022 Webinar: Creating a Mentally Healthy Construction Culture*
*This is a CAGC member benefit. CAGC username and password are required to view the webinar.

In the construction industry, five times more people die from suicide than from job accidents. Vince Hafeli was almost a part of that statistic, and now he is on a mission to change the culture of the construction workplace.  Vince Hafeli is an international speaker, author, and advocate for mental health and suicide awareness in the workplace. The President of Ajax Paving Industries of Florida, Hafeli has dedicated over 38 years of his life to the construction industry. Currently (2023), he is working toward a Doctor of Business Administration to further his research and training skills related to suicide in the construction field, while developing approaches to increase support for worker’s mental health needs. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Free Service Available to Members is a secure, web-based application that empowers employers to streamline their injury reporting process. With, you can easily create each state's First Report of Injury, track injuries, print all required OSHA reports, and view injury metrics in real-time. CAGC members are eligible to access OSHAlogs at no cost. To set up an account, please contact Charles Connor IV with First Security Insurance.

Safety Training

Carolinas AGC offers a wide variety of safety, education and training classes. Courses are taught throughout the Carolinas as well as virtually. CAGC is proud to offer additional opportunities virtually to members via partner AGC Chapters across the country, as well. View all Safety Training Opportunities.

Annual HR and Safety Conference

Our HR and Safety Conference is held annually in March. The Southeast's premier HR and Safety Conference for Construction Professionals offers top-notch educational opportunities for safety professionals during a dedicated safety track of the conference in additional to many networking opportunities with other industry, safety professionals, as well as sponsorship and expo opportunities. Learn more about the annual HR and Safety Course.

Safety Awards

CAGC invites its members to apply for one of several safety award programs available through Carolinas AGC and AGC of America. Available awards include National AGC (NASA) and Carolinas AGC Safety Awards, Construction Safety Excellence Awards (CESA), and Building Star-NC OSHA Voluntary Protection Program. For more information on these programs, to see previous winners or to apply, visit our safety awards page.

Safety Compliance and Resources

Carolinas AGC and the Carolinas AGC Foundation, Inc. have made safety their number one priority for the construction industry. As such, compliance information and access to available resources are open to all construction companies including information on NC and SC OSHA programs, Silica Resources and COVID-19 resources. Visit our safety compliance and resources page.