A Word from CAGC’s Outgoing Chair of the Board

By Marty McKee, King Asphalt
January 9, 2018
Marty McKee, King AsphaltAs I reflect on 2017 at Carolinas AGC, I am reminded of the Beatles song, The Long and Winding Road. The year saw many changes in our association that are preparing us for an exciting 2018 and laying the groundwork for a strong future. Below is a brief overview of accomplishments implemented by staff and members:
  • CAGC added even more meetings and events, resulting in over 80 opportunities for members to get face-to-face in 2018. Also new—all major areas of the Carolinas now have quarterly Executive Luncheons (and these luncheons tend to sell out quickly!).
  • CAGC’s Education Foundation Board continues to ramp up our Build Your Career program, HR/Safety Training, and education efforts. Our work in improving the workforce shortage is the Number 1 challenge our industry faces.
  • The BOD recently approved a strong new Membership Committee for 2018 and a goal of 100 new net members in the coming year. The committee will be closely aligned regionally with our 80 new meetings throughout the Carolinas.

  • Late last year, CAGC moved out of our SouthPark headquarters and will be in a more convenient location for members come April 2018. (Staff is currently occupying temporary space at the new office park while the new space is undergoing renovations.) This move will save money by cutting our lease payments in half. CAGC is already using the new permanent address for mail: 4824 Parkway Plaza Blvd. Suite 115, Charlotte, NC 28217.

  • We saw incredibly strong NC/SC legislative programs in 2017 that have benefited North Carolina and South Carolina as well as the entire construction industry.
  • Meetings last year often drew big crowds with many sellouts. It appears this trend will continue as we have more than 350 people (to date) registered for the CAGC 2018 Convention in Boca Raton, FL. (In addition to all the 2018 and 2019 events in the works, CAGC is also planning for our 100th anniversary July 30-Aug. 2, 2020 in Hilton Head Island.)

  • After 3 years of exploration and due diligence, CAGC staff is recommending specific new affinity programs with more emphasis on increasing member value with business lines, including cybersecurity and health insurance programs and a  possible new 401-K Multiple Employer Plan.
  • CAGC Young Leaders group grew to more than 110 members. Not only is this group preparing to lead our industry into the future, they affect our present by volunteering in many social projects which positively impact our community. Kudos to our Young Leaders and the great staff who assists them!

  • The CAGC Board of Directors approved a Strategic Plan in 2017 to take our association through 2020, with quarterly updates from staff to the Board.

  • CAGC has right-sized our staff to be lean, mean and great, including two new membership team staffers—Jacob Garmon and Lawson Pope.
As you can see, 2017 was a very dynamic year for CAGC and as the old saying goes; “The best is yet to come!” I look forward to my final year on the Board of Directors as Past Board Chair, and serving with a great group of individuals who are so passionate about our association and the construction industry in general. I truly look forward to serving under the leadership of our new Board Chair Paul Mashburn. I know Paul will excel at leading our association into our glorious future! Finally, I would like to say a few words about our great CAGC staff. I am convinced that we have the finest staff around! As I mentioned above, 2017 saw a year of change for our staff make-up; yet our CAGC staff constantly stepped up to the plate and continued the great service that membership expects! I can never express enough how proud I am of our staff.

Yes, 2017 was a long and winding road and I greatly appreciate you allowing me to accompany you on the journey!