Committee Name
SCDOT/CAGC/ACEC Alternative Delivery Committee303206274
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Focuses on assisting SCDOT in creating good design build public policy for the SCDOT and the Contractors.

Format: The committee consists of 4 representatives each from CAGC, SCDOT, and ACEC. Each member of the commitee will serve a two year term.

Eligibility: CAGC Members who perform SCDOT work. Limited number of spots so contact Leslie Clark ( about joining.

Meetings: This committee meets every other month in person.


Committee Roster

Full NamePositionOrganization
Christopher BoydMemberCrowder (Heavy Civil Division)252396206525
Rob LoarMemberReeves303206274
Mike GreyMemberUnited Infrastructure Group, Inc.323600216
Leslie B. ClarkStaff LiaisonCarolinas AGC, Inc.1946102639